Mechanical Activation Effect on Self-Sustaining Combustion Reaction in Mo-Si System
Ch. Gras1,2, D. Vrel3, E. Gaffet1 and F. Bernard2
1"Nanomaterials: far from equilibrium phase transition" group UMR 5060 CNRS - UTBM F-90010, Belfort (France), E-mail: 2"Fine Grained Materials" group LRRS UMR 5613 CNRS-University of Burgundy BP 400 F-21011 Dijon (France), E-mail: 3LIMHP CNRS Av. J. B. Clement F-93430 Villetaneuse (France), E-mail:
Страницы: 173-184
Nanostructured molybdenum disilicide (MoSi 2) compound was synthesized using an alternative route called MASHS (Mechanically Activated Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis). This original process combines a short-duration ball milling with a self-sustaining combustion. These two steps were investigated in this paper. The microstructure evolution of powder mixture during mechanical activation was monitored using XRD profiles analysis and TEM investigations. Short-duration ball milling of (Mo() powders results in Mo and Si nanocrystallites in micrometric particles. It was demonstrated that a pure -MoSi 2 with nanometric structure ( DMoSi2 = 88nm) could be produced via a very fast combustion front in contrast with the classical SHS process.