Издательство СО РАН

Издательство СО РАН

Адрес Издательства СО РАН: Россия, 630090, а/я 187
Новосибирск, Морской пр., 2




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Поиск по журналу

Химия в интересах устойчивого развития

2006 год, номер 6

XPS Study of Carbon Films on the Pt(III) Surface obtained by high temperature decomposition of methane and ethylene

E. M. Pazhetnov and A. I. Boronin
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pr. Akademika Lavrentyeva 5, Novosibirsk 630090 (Russia)
E-mail: gosha@catalysis.nsk.su; boronin@catalysis.nsk.su


The carbon films grown on Pt(III) surface by the high temperature catalytic decomposition of methane and ethylene were investigated with aid of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It was observed that photoelectron spectra of carbon films depend on the hydrocarbon used as a reagent. It was shown that in case of methane used as the reagent the flat graphite films are deposited on the Pt(III) surface while ethylene or ethylene/methane mixture stimulates the carbon films distortion resulting in curved fullerites/ like structures. The formation of curved carbon films occurs through the formation of flat graphenes as the intermediate structures. It was determined that this topographic transition is reversible and has dynamic character depending on the crystal temperature and ethylene presence in the gas phase. The role of the diffusion-segregation phenomenon of carbon atoms in the formation of the curved films was established.