A second attempt to establish an analytical expression to steam-water dipole orientation parameter using the Boubaker Polynomials Expansion Scheme
W.X. Yue1, H. Ko??ak2, D.H. Zhang3, A. Yildirim4
1 Department of Mathematics Lanzhou City University 2 Ege University Bornova 3 South China University, zhangdahong2003@yahoo.cn 4 Ege University Bornova
Ключевые слова: steam-water, BPES; permanent dipole moment, analytical expression
Страницы: 110-114
In this paper, an analytical expression to the steam-water dipole orientation parameter is proposed. The calculations have been carried out under the presumptions that: the electric properties of the water molecules are characterized completely by a permanent dipole moment and a constant scalar polarizability, that translational fluctuations may be neglected, and that the positions are orientation-free. The results have been presented in the form of continuous and integrable expressions which could be easily compared to precedent studies as well as involved in similar analytical models