An overview of indigenous educational attainment in Canada
Western Ontario University, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2
Ключевые слова: Canada, Indigenous peoples, educational attainment, educational policy
Страницы: 253-268 Подраздел: Зарубежный опыт региональной науки, региональной политики и территориального развития
The article describes the reasons for low educational attainment levels among Indigenous peoples in Canada as compared to the non-Indigenous population. We examined intra-Indigenous trends in educational attainment and compared attainment levels between Indigenous and non-Indigenouspopulations in Canada across high school and post-secondary education (PSE). Indigenouspeoples' educational attainment in Canada is improving: post-secondary attainment increased by 86 percent between 1996 and 2011. This tendency is observed for Metis, off reserve, and non-Status Indians. We justify regional policies aimed at developing the emerging trends for Indigenous peoples' education in Canada.
DOI: 10.15372/REG20160215 |